The busiest border crossing in the world, this 30-year-old facility was designed for lighter traffic volumes in a lower-threat environment and could no longer support operations.

As a primary gateway to the U.S., the Port embodies American democracy, diplomacy, and a sustainable future. It symbolizes the open cooperation, communication, and collaboration between nations that share cultural influences and natural resources.
Knot Studio principal Marilee Hanks was a key member of the multidisciplinary A/E team retained by the GSA for the design of the San Ysidro Land Port of Entry while she was a Principal Landscape Architect at AECOM. The project was to develop a master plan for reconfiguration and phased improvements at the facility near San Diego at the United States and Mexico International border.
The project design included the development of the overall master plan, pedestrian access and circulation strategies, and detailed master plans for the southbound pedestrian crossing and intermodal transfer center. An overall water-sensitive landscape master plan and detailed site development concepts for six buildings and associated site development were also prepared. These contributions helped the project achieve the ambitious and unprecedented goals for net zero energy and water use and LEED Platinum certification, making the facility an international example of U.S. leadership in sustainable development.