Somerset West Park is a six-acre park with an outdoor swimming pool, modest pool building, play area, sports courts, and a multi-purpose natural turf athletic field. Site topography created access challenges to the north and south, while a small piped creek surrounded by delineated wetland occupied the central basin of the park. Knot Studio previously completed the master plan for Somerset West in 2016.
The project’s complex permitting included Washington County Land-Use, Clean Water Services, and the Army Corps of Engineers. Creek restoration comprised daylighting the west end of the creek and creating a nature playscape with large stones creating a path over the wetland area. The area was restored using native vegetation. The playground was expanded to create a range of age-appropriate and universally accessible amenities, integrating nature play elements and a stronger sense of topography. Walking paths with improved ADA access provide much-needed circulation through and around the site. Natural play using wooden and stone structures allows for creative, unstructured play in a safe setting.